inspect 命令

源码目录: packages/@vue/cli/lib/inspect.js 。

作用: 审查一个 Vue CLI 项目的 webpack config 。

vue inspect 命令的入口在 packages/@vue/cli/bin/vue.js 中:

  .command('inspect [paths...]')
  .description('inspect the webpack config in a project with vue-cli-service')
  .option('--mode <mode>')
  .option('--rule <ruleName>', 'inspect a specific module rule')
  .option('--plugin <pluginName>', 'inspect a specific plugin')
  .option('--rules', 'list all module rule names')
  .option('--plugins', 'list all plugin names')
  .option('-v --verbose', 'Show full function definitions in output')
  .action((paths, cmd) => {
    require('../lib/inspect')(paths, cleanArgs(cmd))

当执行了 vue inspect 命令时会加载 @vue/cli/lib/inspect.js,那么接下来分析 inspect.js 代码。

module.exports = function inspect (paths, args) {
  const cwd = process.cwd()
  let servicePath
  try {
    servicePath = resolve.sync('@vue/cli-service', { basedir: cwd })  // cwd/node_modules/@vue/cli-service/lib/Service.js
  } catch (e) {
    const { error } = require('@vue/cli-shared-utils')
      `Failed to locate @vue/cli-service.\n` +
      `Note that \`vue inspect\` is an alias of \`vue-cli-service inspect\`\n` +
      `and can only be used in a project where @vue/cli-service is locally installed.`
  const binPath = path.resolve(servicePath, '../../bin/vue-cli-service.js') // cwd/node_modules/@vue/cli-service/bin/vue-cli-service.js
  if (fs.existsSync(binPath)) {
    execa('node', [
      ...(args.mode ? ['--mode', args.mode] : []),
      ...(args.rule ? ['--rule', args.rule] : []),
      ...(args.plugin ? ['--plugin', args.plugin] : []),
      ...(args.rules ? ['--rules'] : []),
      ...(args.plugins ? ['--plugins'] : []),
      ...(args.verbose ? ['--verbose'] : []),
    ], { cwd, stdio: 'inherit' })

这段代码比较好理解,作用就是获取 @vue/cli-service 的执行文件路径,然后执行其 inspect 命令。也就是说 vue inspect 命令实际执行的是 vue-cli-service inspect 命令,相关分析可查看 cli-service 内置插件 inspect